The Torch – January 14, 2016

The Torch Offical Publication of Green Builder Coalition


Santa Fe Community College to Host WERS Training in March

SFCC EnergySmartSanta Fe Community College’s EnergySmart Academy is known for its educational offerings in the energy sector. Now, they are embarking on a new frontier: water. Starting in March, they will be offering a 3-day training course on the Water Efficiency Rating Score, or WERS, program.

The initial course will take place March 8-10, 2016 on the SFCC campus. Later in March, the course will be available both online and in-person. “We feel that offering much of the material in an online format allows it to be more cost effective and accessible”, says Amanda Hatherly, Director of the EnergySmart Academy.

“Energy raters, green raters, plumbers, home inspectors and a host of other building industry professionals can expand their service offerings through this training,” said Mike Collignon, Executive Director of the Green Builder® Coalition. “SFCC and the WERS development group have been diligently working on the course content, and we’re so excited that it’s ready.”

WERS logoIn addition to the virtual course offered by SFCC, the Coalition will be working with SFCC and other educational partners to expand the number of in-person training opportunities across the United States. To request more information on this new training course, please contact Amanda Hatherly at 505-428-1805 or


About EnergySmart Academy

The EnergySmart Academy at Santa Fe Community College is a nationally recognized training center specializing in energy efficiency, green building and sustainable technology trainings. As well as offering Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) accredited clean energy programs, Building Performance Institute (BPI) and RESNET trainings, staff have been involved in the development of the WERS protocol and now are offering the first WERS training courses in the country. For more, visit

About Water Efficiency Rating Score (WERS)
WERS is a predictive, performance-based approach to residential water efficiency and water resource management. The WERS is the culmination of calculations that consider the loading from principal plumbing fixtures, clothes washers, structural waste, and outdoor water management. Potential rainwater and greywater catchment are also calculated. Applicable for both new and existing single-family and multifamily residential properties, it uses a scoring scale of zero to 100, with zero being the most desirable and 100 representing the baseline home. For more information, please visit

Upcoming Industry Events

Industry conferences and trade shows will be plentiful over the next 2 months. For a listing of upcoming industry events, please visit Green Builder® Media’s Interactive Calendar of Events.

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